How to Get Un-High

Consumed Too Many Edibles? Here’s How to Un-f*ck Yourself…

Why do we get way more high from cannabis edibles than from smoking?

When you smoke cannabis, the THC converts to delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol, which is a psychoactive molecule. But a far more psychoactive effect is created when you consume THC orally.

When you eat edibles, the THC passes through the liver, and when this happens, your body converts it to 11-hydroxy THC—which can really f*ck you up!

What can you do to level out a high if you’ve hit that point of no return?
Try consuming…

  • Caffeine

  • CBD—it weakens the THC so it doesn’t bind as well to the CB1 receptor, which makes the high less powerful ((but it makes the high last longer))

  • Pinene—a terpene in cannabis, though I wouldn’t recommend consuming more cannabis if you’re in this spot!

  • Black Pepper—just chew on a few black peppercorns

  • White Potato

There are also products on the market to help undo your high, but sometimes the simplest solution is just to make yourself a baked potato—or take a nap!

To learn more about the science of how cannabis interacts with our bodies, check out my Cannabis 101 online course.


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