Mangoes for Consumption
Have you heard that eating mangoes can intensify your high? Let's talk about the origins of this legend!
Have you heard that mangoes can intensify your high?*
No scientific studies have confirmed this legend…yet. But theoretically, it may be true. Here’s why…
Mangoes are abundant in a terpene—myrcene—that’s also found in the cannabis plant.
Myrcene helps THC to cross the blood-brain barrier, which gives you a stronger high with a quicker onset time.
It doesn’t stop there. There are many plants & fruits that interact with your endocannabinoid system.
For instance…
Olive oil increases the number of CB2 receptors in your body
Echinacea, an herbal remedy traditionally used for fighting infection, also interacts with CB2 receptors
Dark chocolate, hops, black pepper, clove & rosemary all contain a cannabinoid/terpene known as beta caryophyllene, which also binds with CB2 receptors in your endocannabinoid system
The takeaway? It’s clear that our bodies evolved to receive the matrix of complex constituents present in the cannabis plant.
And those same compounds are present in many other medicinal plants and foods, too!
Want my full guide to consumption methods? I’ll teach you how to make safe & effective whole plant medicine in your home in my Cannabis 101 online course.
*The information we provide is not intended to be a substitute for medical treatment. Please consult your medical care provider. Read our full Health Disclaimer.