THCV: Your Key to Crushing the Munchies

Consuming Cannabis—Without Consuming the Rest of Your Pantry!

I get asked all the time—how can I consume cannabis without getting the munchies?

THCV, a phytocannabinoid prevalent in certain strains of cannabis, is the answer.

While THC is known for revving up your appetite and giving you the urge to eat everything in your fridge, THCV actually does the opposite!

This appetite-suppressing cannabinoid is most commonly found in sativa strains.

And as an added bonus, it also helps to promote bone cell growth, regulate blood sugar levels, and it’s promising for helping those with lesions on their brains from Alzheimer’s disease.

So the next time you want to consume some cannabis—without consuming your entire pantry—try a strain that’s heavy in the cannabinoid THCV.

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*The information we provide is not intended to be a substitute for medical treatment. Please consult your medical care provider. Read our full Health Disclaimer.


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