Pregnancy & Cannabis Use: Is It Safe?

According to the US Surgeon General—No! But Their Views Are Contradictory, Here’s Why….

The U.S. Surgeon General recently announced that cannabis use is not safe for pregnant women or teenage brains.

Now, let me tell you how they’re contradicting themselves with this statement.

The FDA (Food & Drug Administration) categorizes supplements and medicines on a scale to rate how safe, or unsafe, it is for use during pregnancy.

You have Category A, which contains supplements like folic acid, which are super safe for mom & baby.

And then you have Category X—the things you never give a pregnant woman—such as methotrexate. Substances known to cause birth defects, like the acne medicine Accutane, also fall in category X.

We also know that Big Pharma sells synthetic cannabinoids like THC, and the prescription for this falls under…Category C!

Category C means they have NO PROOF that it causes harm to a fetus in any way, and that it may actually be beneficial for the mother.

Don’t let state-by-state legalization fool you. We’re still living under Federal prohibition.

Unravel all of the socio-political & economic threads still contributing to weed prohibition in my Cannabis 101 online course.

We delve into the history of prohibition, and the current legal landscape!


*The information we provide is not intended to be a substitute for medical treatment. Please consult your medical care provider. Read our full Health Disclaimer.


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