Cannabis, The Uterus & Fertility
Is there a link between cannabis use and fertility? Let's quickly talk about the science that links cannabis with the uterus & successful embryo implantation.*
Did you know that men & women have different levels of anandamide—the endocannabinoid that’s responsible for that “Runner’s High” feeling?
Women actually have higher levels in their bodies than men do, and our levels don’t stay the same either.
The levels of anandamide in women’s bodies fluctuate with their menstrual cycles!
This is important because studies have shown that anandamide levels have a role to play in pregnancy.
High levels of anandamide during ovulation are associated with a successful pregnancy.
Once an egg is fertilized, the next step is for the embryo to implant itself in the uterine wall.
And studies have shown that low levels of anandamide are needed for successful implantation to occur!
This explains why Endocannabinoid Deficiency—a condition in which the body doesn’t produce enough of its own natural cannabinoids—can adversely affect fertility.
Explore the many magical ways cannabis interacts with our bodies in my Cannabis 101 online course.✨ In just 6 weeks, you’ll gain a deep understanding of the ECS and much more!
*The information we provide is not intended to be a substitute for medical treatment. Please consult your medical care provider. Read our full Health Disclaimer.